The Team
The team at Bristol and Wessex Aeroplane Club is dedicated to our passion for flying and passing this passion onto our student pilots and visitors to the club. Our team of staff comprises of management to run the club and operations, instructors who teach student pilots to fly and complete trial flights with prospective pilots.
Whether you want to fly for fun or to become a professional pilot we have the right instructor for you, once we have assessed your needs we will allocate you an instructor who will guide you through the training staying with you where possible until you have qualified.
Barry Bailey
Accountable Manager
Flying Instructor
Multi-Engine Piston (MEP) Instructor
Ben Scully
Flying Instructor
Christian Fuller
Flying Instructor
Gary Thomas
Operations Manager
Ian Seabrook
Flying Instructor
Jonathan Cormack
Flying Instructor
Groundschool Instructor
Lavinia Hobbs
Flying Instructor
Night Flying Instructor
Martin Chatterton
Flying Instructor
Groundschool Instructor
Instrument Rating Instructor (IRR)
Nigel Scholey
Flying Instructor
Instrument Rating Instructor (IRR)
Phil Dunglinson
Flying Instructor
Night Flying Instructor
Troy Williams
Chief Flying Instructor
Night Flying Instructor
Groundschool Examiner