Following our re-opening on the 9th July 2020 due to closing back in March, we have had a great month of student achievements that we wanted to make some positive noise about!
During the past 4 weeks we have had the following fantastic achievements:
- 2 Skills Test Pass
- 3 First Solos
- 2 Solo Qualifying Cross Country flights
We would like to again congratulate Ryan Scott and Chris Hamadyk on their PPL skills test passes, Jack Sewell, Louis Wilcox-Brown and Steven Licos for their first solos as well as Will Parish and Ryan Scott for successfully completing their qualifying cross country flights, these students will not be too far away from taking their PPL skills test soon, weather permitting.
Following our re-opening we have implemented strict guidelines in line with the CAA and government advice. Students who have confirmed lessons should look to meet their instructor 15 minutes prior to the agreed time before the designated flight time.
Most pilots who have not flown for some time, will in line with the CAA guidance require an extensive debrief will be required depending on your situation.
Take a look at our full list of achievements not only from this year but previous years, showing all our past students we are extremely proud of at the following page =>